We always look for the best in everything. Aren’t we?
Specially, when we talk about Bodybuilding we are obliged to take the utmost precaution and worthy advice for the fruitful result. Here you will get to know about the perfect way of Muscle Building and the process of Building Muscles. Because there is a slight difference between Building Muscles and Muscle Building. So, before I tell you the best way of building muscles I would like you to understand how muscles are built.

You will find this interesting that the very first stage of Muscle Building is the breaking of Muscle Tissues. Yes, you heard right. And I am sure you are aware of the fact that when the Muscle gets damaged during intense Training, then bit more Muscle is provided by our body to replace the damaged Tissues. This lead to the cumulative process of Muscle Growth. It is also known as an Anabolic effect that occurred in our body to repair the damaged Muscles.
In that case, the more we succeed in breaking/damaging our Muscle Tissues during the workout the more muscle will add on.
The reason behind Tissues damage and Recovery is Metabolic stress. Metabolic stress is quite helpful in Muscle Growth and it plays a vital role in Muscle Recovery.
“Metabolic stress is a physiological process that occurs during exercise in response to low energy that leads to metabolite accumulation in muscle cells”
There are three basic methods to increase Metabolic stress:
1. Light and effective Cardio:
Cardio is the first and the most impactful part of a Workout as it helps to increase the bone mobility and pump Muscle layer and prepare for the intense Workout. When Cardio increases the Metabolic stress then impact of increased Metabolite accumulation influences essential Hormonal release, reactive oxygen species and amplify energy production. Due to which we are able to perform endurance Workout for Muscle Building.
2. Number of Reps:
The number of reps with light weight is better than fewer reps with heavy weight. This statement is only valid if your motive is to build lean muscle rather bulk. The number of reps helps to create mechanical tension in muscle fiber which triggers the Muscle Protein Synthesis and subsequently causes increase in Muscle Growth.
3. Moderate weight:
This is the case where most of the naïve Gym member makes a mistake. Heavy lifting, not always leads to a better result you end up being injured. It is scientifically proved that people should not lift more than 70% of his own weight in his Workout duration. Moderate weight escalates the Muscles more quickly as Tissues broke in bulk. Heavy Weight produces fatigues and reduce the ability and volume of force.
In laymen language, we can say that our focus should be to create the elastic tension in our Muscle doing workout which follows the contraction and elongation of Muscle fiber.
To run all these processes smoothly you have to consume the adequate amount of Nutrition following a strict diet plan that body finds no hindrance in repairing and recovery.
Five basic Nutrition you need in the form of Supplements is Protein, Carbs, Amino (BCAA, Glutamine and EAA), Creatine and Multivitamins.
Each Nutrition has its own role in Muscles Building, so it is quite mandatory to select the products precisely. Products must be authentic and great in quality. I would conclude this by saying, regular Workout, authentic and quality Nutrition is the key to the best Muscle Building.
Avail the wide range of Supplement from GXN Nutrition and get 100% authentic and genuine supplements.
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